Phone: 320-523-3582
Mental Health
& Licensing
Phone: 320-523-3582
Child Protection
& Child Welfare
Phone: 320-523-3523
The Social Service Unit provides the services in the areas listed below. The services primarily involve completing assessments or investigations, developing individual case plans, contracting for services and case management.
Who Is A Vulnerable Adult?
A Vulnerable Adult can be anyone over age 18 who:
- Has a physical, mental or emotional disorder that makes it difficult for the person to care for themselves without help and to protect themselves from maltreatment;
- Is in a hospital, nursing home, transitional care unit, assisted living, housing with services, board and care, foster care or other licensed care facility;
- Receives services such as home care, day services, personal care assistance or other licensed services.
What Is Considered Maltreatment of a Vulnerable Adult?
Maltreatment includes:
- Abuse, including physical, emotional and sexual abuse, use of restraints, involuntary seclusion or punishment;
- Neglect, including failure to provide the food, shelter, clothing, health care or supervision necessary to maintain the person’s health, safety, or comfort. Neglect may be by a caregiver or service provider, or because the vulnerable adult cannot meet their own needs;
- Financial exploitation, including theft or withholding of money or property and/or use of money or property not for the vulnerable adults benefit.
How Do I Report Suspected Maltreatment?
Report suspected maltreatment of a vulnerable adult to the Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center (MAARC) at 1-844-880-1574 which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Minnesota encourages good faith reporting of suspected maltreatment of vulnerable adults by any person. If you make a report, your identity is confidential and cannot be released without a court order.
Renville County Vulnerable Adult Maltreatment Investigation Prioritization Guidelines PDF
Adult Services
The target population is people who are 60 years old and over. Elders in need of service are those who are experiencing difficulty living independently and are unable to provide for their own needs. The at-risk group of elderly include those of greatest economic and social need, those of advanced years, those who are minorities, those who are socially isolated, and those who are physically or mentally impaired. Based on the assessment information, services are designed, arranged, and provided to the person.
Physically & Mentally Impaired
Programs that include services for persons under 65 who are experiencing difficulty living independently and are unable to provide for their own needs. Based on the assessment information, services are designed, arranged, and provided to the person.
Activities that include the protection of vulnerable adults. Includes adult protection assessments and/or long-term care consultations. Based on the assessment information, services are designed, arranged, and provided to the person.
State of MN Adult Services Information
For more information, please contact Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202.
Chemical Health
Renville County Human Services offers assistance to people of all ages who are experiencing substance use related problems. To receive complete an assessment, you may contact any chemical dependency treatment provider or mental health center in Minnesota. To receive funding for an assessment and/or treatment from the Behavioral Health Fund (BHF), you must meet eligibility criteria, established by enrollment in Medical Assistance (MA) or meeting the household size and income limitation.
Services that may be provided:
- Assistance in determining financial eligibility for the Behavioral Health Fund (BHF)
- Assistance finding a provider of services including Chemical Health assessment, detoxification, diversion, residential treatment services, hospital-based treatment services, outpatient treatment services and aftercare programs
- Referrals to local resources including such things as support groups and education programs
- Pre-petition screening for civil commitment. A Pre-Petition Screening Team consultation would be used to determine the severity of chemical use and assessing danger to self or others as it pertains to individuals being petitioned for civil court commitment.
For additional information: Minnesota Department of Human Services – Chemical Health
Child Care Assistance
Minnesota’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) can help to make quality child care affordable for low income families.
Paying for child care can be difficult for families as they look for a job, go to work, or go to school to prepare for work. Help is available from the following Child Care Assistance Programs:
MFIP Child Care is for families who receive assistance from the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
Transition Year Child Care is available to families for a full year after their MFIP case closes.
Basic Sliding Fee Child Care including At Home Infant Child Care is for other low income families. BSF can help you with child care costs for any combination of:
Work: You may get help with child care if you are working 20 hours or more per week and earn at least minimum wage.
Job Search: You may get help with child care for a limited time to look for work.
School or Training: You can get child care assistance for the amount of time your school says it takes to complete your degree. Your child care worker will help you develop an education plan that includes school or training to prepare for work.
Child Care Assistance Program Rules
- CCAP can help you pay child care costs for all children age 12 and younger, and for handicapped children age 13 and 14.
- Child care costs may be paid for the time you work, look for work, or attend training
- There is no time limit on how long you may receive child care assistance as long as your income is within the program limits for your family size.
- Your child care must be provided by a legal provider over the age of 18.
How much do I pay?
The child care assistance program may not cover all your costs. The amount you will have to pay depends on your family’s income, the number of people in your family, and how much your provider charges.
Getting Started
You will need to fill out an application to get help with child care costs. Contact Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202 to apply.
Child Care Providers
Child Protection
Renville County Human Services is responsible for accepting, screening, assessing and investigating reports of child maltreatment and providing ongoing case management services. If a report is screened in for assessment, there are two responses:
Investigations are designed to respond to reports of substantial child endangerment and neglect of children and are usually conducted jointly with law enforcement. This investigation will address the immediate safety of the child(ren) and the risk of further maltreatment. County agency social workers will work with the family to develop a plan to meet the safety and well being needs of the child(ren) and family. This investigation will include a determination as to whether or not maltreatment occurred.
Family Assessment:
Reports not involving substantial child maltreatment may be assigned as a family assessment. These assessments are completed by county agency social workers who meet with the family to address the safety of the child(ren), the risk of further maltreatment and the family’s strengths and needs. This assessment does not include a determination of maltreatment.
If services are determined to be necessary, child protection case management is offered to the family on either a voluntary or involuntary basis depending upon the needs and severity of the problems that need to be addressed. Case management services primarily consist of information and referral; identification of needs and strengths; and development of a case plan with specific goals that will enhance the family strengths and remedy the issues.
For Additional Information:
Minnesota Department of Human Services – Child Protective Services
Child Welfare
Renville County Human Services offers child welfare case management services on a voluntary basis. These services allow county agency social workers to assist families with a variety of concerns such as parenting, truancy*, and child behaviors.
Parent Support Outreach Program (PSOP)
The Parent Support Outreach Program (PSOP) is intended for families with children under ten years of age and combines aspects of general child welfare case management with an emphasis on parenting and development while addressing the immediate needs of the family.
Renville County Human Services assists minor parents under the age of 18 in determining their needs and developing a plan that will help them to access necessary services such as parenting skills and educational goals.
*Renville County Human Services assists the Renville County Attorney’s Office with the Truancy Intervention Program.
Developmental Disabilities
Renville County Human Services determines eligibility for services, and assesses the needs of adults and children with developmental disabilities. The county identifies service and support options based on assessed need and available funding. County staff provides information, advocacy and consultation.
For children age birth to 5 years
To be eligible, the child must be determined to have a substantial developmental delay by your school and/or medical professional.
For individuals age 5 and older
To be eligible, the person must have an IQ and adaptive scores under 70. A person may also be eligible if they have a related condition such as cerebral palsy, autism, or a seizure disorder, and they must have limitations in areas such as self-care, communication, social skills, learning, mobility, self-direction and independent living.
The IQ assessment must be conducted by a licensed psychologist or school psychologist.
For additional information:
MN Dept of Human Services-Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities
Call Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202.
Foster Care
Foster parents are as diverse as the children they care for. A foster parent may be single or married, or partnered, have children or not have children, rent or own their home. What they share is a concern for children and a commitment to help them through tough times. They provide critical temporary care and nurturing to children in crisis.
Renville County Human Services completes licensing for foster care. Check here for Foster Care information or here to learn about the Steps to Become a Foster Parent.
For more information on Foster Care, contact Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202.
Mental Health
Renville County Human Services provides Adult Mental Health case management and Children’s Mental Health case management for those under age 18 years old. The first step in determining eligibility for services is to have them complete a Rule 79 Diagnostic Assessment with a Qualified Mental Health Professional.
Adult Mental Health
Renville County Human Services provides adult mental health case management for individuals having a serious and persistent mental illness. The first step in determining eligibility for services is to have the adult complete a Rule 79 Diagnostic Assessment with a Qualified Mental Health Professional.
An adult with a serious and persistent mental illness and at least one of the following criteria:
- Two or more episodes of inpatient care for mental illness within the preceding 24 months.
- A continuous psychiatric hospitalization or residential treatment exceeding six months duration within the preceding 12 months.
- Intervention by a crisis team two or more times within the preceding 24 months.
- A person who is mentally ill and whose civil commitment has been stayed or continued within the last three years.
or the Adult:
- has a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, or borderline personality disorder;
- indicates a significant impairment in function; AND
- has a written opinion from a mental health professional, in the last three years, stating that the adult is reasonably likely to have future episodes requiring inpatient or residential treatment unless ongoing case management or community support services are provided.
Community Support Program (CSP) services are provided in the community by Renville County Human Services. These services assist individuals in accessing other resources and increasing independence.
A Pre-Petition Screening Team consultation would be used to determine the severity of mental illness and assessing danger to self or others as it pertains to individuals being petitioned for civil court commitment.
For Renville County residents who are not covered by insurance, Woodland Centers does provide mental health services to individuals on a sliding fee basis. Woodland Centers also provides crisis services including a 24-hour crisis line which is 800-992-1716. Their primary mental health center is located in Willmar, MN with a satellite office in Olivia, MN.
Information and referrals can be provided regarding additional services such as:
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
- Adult Rehabilitation Mental Health Services (ARMHS)
- Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)
- Partial Hospitalization and Day Treatment Services
Minnesota Department of Human Services – Adult Mental Health
Call Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202.
Southwestern Minnesota Adult Mental Health Consortium (SMAMHC)
Southwestern Minnesota Adult Mental Health Consortium (SMAMHC) is a Joint Power entity of the following 18 counties in Southwestern Minnesota: Big Stone, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Meeker, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rock, Swift and Yellow Medicine. SMAMHC operates under an Adult Mental Health Initiative Grant from the State of Minnesota. SMAMHC is committed to the partnerships and collaboration built with the Counties and Providers in the Southwestern 18-County region. Working together to inspire, provide hope, empowerment and overall wellness.
Programs and Services, we support in our region include:
- Core Adult Mental Health Services: Assertive Community Treatment, Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services, Intensive Residential Treatment, Crisis Stabilization
- Housing Vouchers: Rental assistance to help maintain community housing and support to the West Bridge a Specialized Board and Lodge located in Marshall.
- Flexible Funds: Limited discretionary funds to meet individual needs of consumers (medication, housing, vocational and general needs)
SMAMHC monthly meetings are held the 2nd Friday of the month starting at 9:30 a.m. The location is the Lyon County Government Center in Marshall.
The following is a list of dates for 2024:
- January 12th
- February 9th
- March 8th
- April 12th
- May 10th
- June 14th
- July 12th
- August 9th
- September 13th
- October 11th – Annual Meeting held at the Redwood Area Community Center in Redwood Falls
- November 8th
- December 13th
If you would like more information on SMAMHC meetings Email Kimberly Holm
Children’s Mental Health
Renville County Human Services provides Children’s Mental Health (CMH) case management services to children and adolescents younger than 18 years of age who meet the criteria for having a severe emotional disturbance (SED) as determined by a Qualified Mental Health Professional. This determination is made by having the child complete a Rule 79 diagnostic assessment.
The Diagnostic Assessment (DA) is a written evaluation that includes:
- The child’s life situation and sources of stress, including reasons for referral.
- A history of the child’s current mental health problem(s) including developmental status, strengths and needs.
- The child’s diagnosis including a determination of whether the child meets the criteria for SED.
- The services being recommended for the child.
- Case management services are voluntary and may be accepted or refused by the parents or guardian. If they refuse case management, other mental health services and community resources continue to be available to the family.
If CMH case management services are accepted, the parents (and child if age appropriate) actively participate in the development of an individualized plan for the child based upon their strengths and needs. This plan is reviewed on a regular basis to determine progress toward the goals and whether the services are still appropriate or need to be changed.
Renville County Human Services provides Community Support Program (CSP) services to children with SED. These services may assist the child with such things as socialization, coping skills and accessing community resources.
For Renville County residents who are not covered by insurance, Woodland Centers does provide mental health services to individuals on a sliding fee basis. Woodland Centers also provides crisis services including a 24-hour crisis line which is 800-992-1716. Their primary mental health center is located in Willmar, MN with a satellite office in Olivia, MN.
Information and referrals can be provided for other services such as:
- In-home family skills counseling
- Outpatient therapy
- Partial hospitalization and Day Treatment
- Respite care
For additional information:
Minnesota Department of Human Services – Children’s Mental Health
Call Renville County Human Services at 320-523-2202