Lisa Herges,
County Administrator
Hours and Location
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Government Services Center
105 South 5th Street, Suite 315
Olivia, MN 56277
The Facilities Department is responsible for maintenance and cleaning of all County buildings. It also participates in facilities planning, oversees outside contractors working on county facilities, operates a computerized energy management system, and develops and maintains ongoing and long-term facilities maintenance activities.
Facilities Coordinator
Dave Altmann
Renville County Courthouse
500 E DePue Ave, Suite 102
Olivia, MN 56277
The Finance Department is responsible for the daily management of financial activities of the county relating to: budget preparation and expenditure monitoring, claims and disbursements, managing of county funds, purchasing, fixed asset records, financial reporting and overseeing the preparation of the annual financial statement and audit.
Finance Coordinator
Landon Padrnos
Renville County Government Services Center
105 South 5th Street, Suite 315
Olivia, MN 56277
The County of Renville recognizes our employees are our most valuable asset. To support that philosophy, it is the mission of the Human Resources Department to hire, develop and retain motivated and professional employees by:
- Assuring fair, unbiased personnel policies and practices county-wide;
- Complying with all laws and regulations; and
- Serving as a centralized source of prompt and reliable information, feedback and advice.
This will be done by qualified and friendly staff in a sensitive and respectful manner protecting the confidential nature of information entrusted to us.
The Human Resources Department is responsible for processing all payroll deductions and employee benefits.